Claudio Suenaga's relentless personal files

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Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Documents, Reports, Photos and much more than you ever thought you would find! Antiques, Rarities and News!

Please Attention: My intention here is to only provide people with old and rare works long out of print and difficult to obtain, as well as to provide access to books that I consider essential reading for the expansion and deepening of knowledge in relation to certain subjects. If any authors feel that their copyright has been violated, I ask that they contact me directly so that I can arrange for the work or book to be removed from the list.


A Expedição Fawcett

Compilado dos manuscritos, cartas, diários e registros do Coronel Percy Harrison Fawcett por seu filho Brian Fawcett. Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 1954. Baixe aqui esta obra há muito esgotada.
n-demand library space

All available links

Just click on the title and the file will open in another window where you can read it directly or download it to your computer. We do not want to infringe any copyright, so if anyone has any objection to a particular file, please contact us and we will remove it from the list. On the other hand, if you are benefiting from finding what you need here, consider making a donation of any amount to help us maintain this site. You can also help me through Patreon. Your collaboration is very important for me to continue with this work. Thank you very much!

Arqueologia, História, Explorações, Civilizações Antigas, Cidades Perdidas

Astroarqueologia, Deuses Astronautas, Alienígenas no Passado



Conspirações e Sociedades Secretas

Ficção Científica






Religião e Ocultismo


Ufologia (Documentos oficiais)

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